P - Z


Palestine Info Centre palestinien d'information / The palestinian information center

Palestinian national liberation movement

Palestinian people's party

PAN Partido de Accion Nacional / Parti d'Action Nationale (Mexique)

Parti Blanc Pour la reconnaissance du vote blanc en France

Parti communiste Belge

Parti des travailleurs (FR, Métropole)

Parti fédéraliste (FR, Métropole)

Parti gaulliste (FR, Outre-mer)

Parti progressiste martiniquais (FR, Outre-mer)

Parti réunionnais - parti Renyone (FR, Outre-mer)

Partido de los comunistas (Mexico)

PASOK Mouvement socialiste panhellénique

PC Parti Communiste

PC(AP) Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria)

Historia del partido Chileno

 El nacimiento del PC(AP) no se debió al capricho voluntarioso de un puñado de luchadores sociales, es la continuidad natural de los desarrollos organizativos, políticos e ideológicos que han llevado adelante numerosos luchadores comunistas, cuyos primeros antecedentes se encuentran en el antiguo Partido Obrero Socialista POS fundado a principios del siglo pasado por Luis Emilio Recabarren y en su superación posterior, en el Partido Comunista de Chile PCCH bajo la dirección del mismo compañero Recabarren, así como en toda la lucha antirevisionista, por la vía insurreccional de masas, por la revolución y contra la criminal “vía pacifica” en los años 60-70 del siglo pasado, sintetizada orgánicamente por la Vanguardia Organizada Marxista VRM y el Partido Comunista Revolucionario PCR. que existían por esos años.

De cualquier manera el PC(AP) desde su nacimiento junto con la defensa de los principios marxista-leninistas, de la enseñanzas de Marx, Engels, Lenin y Stalin, de la lucha por la Revolución Socialista y la Dictadura del Proletariado ( todo a contra pelo, de la política e ideología abiertamente socialdemócrata y oportunista, sostenida por las direcciones del antiguo Partido “Comunista”), no se ha quedado anclado en las comprensiones e incomprenciones de las orgánicas precedentes, ha luchado por dar solución revolucionaria, marxista-leninistas a los problemas planteados por la lucha de clases hoy.

El Partido Comunista Chileno (Acción Proletaria) PC(AP), nace a fines de 1979, el día 8 de Noviembre, como una organización por la construcción del Partido del Proletariado.

Eran los tiempos de la dictadura abierta del capital, del fascismo es por ello que el PC(AP) nace en las condiciones de la más absoluta clandestinidad, apartir de ese día se inauguro en Chile una nueva etapa en la lucha por la revolución y el socialismo, la cual no solo como sabemos, ha tenido que enfrentar a los capitalistas y burgueses descubiertos, sino que también a los encubiertos a los traidores revisionistas de la dirección del P “C”, a los oportunistas del P “S” y a todas las variantes del pensamiento y la practica pequeño burgués.

En el plano internacional, es la época del social-imperialismo soviético, del capitalismo burocrático del Estado, que se había apoderado del poder en la tierra que vio parir la nueva era, la era de las revoluciones proletarias y que tuvo al frente del poder proletario a los bolcheviques encabezado por Lenin y Stalin . Eran los tiempos en que ya no existía la Unión Soviética como Estado verdaderamente Socialista, cuestión que denunciamos desde el primer día y que marco una de las diferencia entre nosotros y toda la llamada “izquierda” en Chile, lo cual adquirió gran notoriedad cuando el guru de la traición M. Gorbachov asumió el poder el la exUnión Soviética y promovió su aplaudida perestroika (por capitalistas, el PC y todos, repetimos todos quienes se reclamaban “revolucionarios” o de “izquierda”, menos el PC(AP) ) que fue presentada por los traidores como “la vuelta al Leninismo”, el resultado último de esa supuesta “vuelta al leninismo”, es archiconocida, fue el fin de los regímenes revisionistas de Europa oriental y de la propia exUnión Soviética, fue la crisis general y la bancarrota del capitalismo burocrático de Estado, todo lo cual a partir del camuflaje del revisionismo y de la propaganda reaccionaria del imperialismo fue presentado como la supuesta caída del socialismo, ocultando el hecho que este desde los inicios de los años 60 del siglo pasado ya no existía en dichos países, esto lo dijimos los marxista-leninistas a los cuatro vientos desde los mismos años 60, más en Chile no fuimos capaces de hacer conscientes a las amplias masas de este verdad.

Cortesia del PC(AP)

El golpe de estado en Chile, en el año 1973 y la caida de Salvador Allende.

Leer el Libro " Revisionismo, antesala del Fascismo" escrito por Eduardo Artés Brichetti, primer secretario del PC(AP), donde se analizan los problemas que provocaron el golpe de estado.

Reformism : the Gateway to Fascism (english version)

Biography of Augusto Pinochet / Biografia de Augusto Pinochet


PC(ML) Partido Comunista de Colombia (Marxista-Leninista)

PCB Partido Comunista Brasileiro

PCC Partido Comunista de Cuba

PCC Partido Comunista Colombiano

PCE Partido Comunista de España

PCF Parti Communiste Français

PCF 01 Espace des communistes de l’Ain.

PCF-Bourges Section Bourges du Parti Communiste Français

PCF-Seine-Saint-Denis Parti Communiste Français - Seine-Saint-Denis

PCG Parti Communiste Guadeloupéen (FR, Outre-mer)

PCI Partito Comunista Italiano / Parti Communiste Italien

PCIML Partito Comunista Italiano Marxista-Leninista

PCM Parti Communiste Martiniquais (FR)

PCMML Partido Comunista de México Marxista-Leninista

PCPV Partit Comunista del País Valencià (ES)

PCOF Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France

PCOT Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de Tunisie / Worker's communist party of Tunisia

PCPE Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España

PCR Parti Communiste Réunionnais (FR, Outre-mer)

PCR Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire (Canada)

PCR Partido Comunista Revolucionário / Parti communiste révolutionnaire du Brésil

PCT Parti Communiste du Togo

PCT Partido Comunista del Trabajo (República Dominicana)

PCU Partido Comunista de Uruguay

PCV Partido Comunista de Venezuela (Tribuna popular)

PdCI Partito dei Comunisti Italiani

PDCI-RDA Parti Démocratique de Côte d'Ivoire - Rassemblement Démocratique Africain

PDF Parti Démocratique Français

PDM Parti Démocrate du Millénaire (Corée du Sud)

PDM Progrès et Démocratie Moderne (FR)

PDP Parti Démocrate Progressiste (Taïwan)

PGA People's Global Action (same as AGP)

Plaid Cymru The Party of Wales (UK)

Planète Non Violence Webzine illustré d'information et sensibilisation à la non violence active.

PLO Palestine Liberation Organisation (same as OLP)

PMLC Parti Marxiste-Léniniste du Canada (Idem MLPC)

PNAC Project for a New American Century / Projet pour un nouveau sièccle américain (groupe d'études néo-conservateur)

PNFE Parti National Français et Européen

PNV Partido Nacionalist Vasco / Parti nationaliste basque (FR, SP, Basque Nationalist Party)

Pôle républicain outre-mer (FR, Outre-mer)

POR Partido Obrero Revolucionario de Bolivia

Pour réussir l'accord de Nouméa (FR, Outre-mer)

PP Partido Popular / Parti Populaire (Espagne, Conservateur)

PPDA Parti Pour la Défense des Animaux (FR)

PPDG Parti Progressiste Démocratique Guadeloupéen (FR)

PPE Parti Populaire Européen (centre droit)

PPM Parti Progressiste Martiniquais (FR)

PPN Parti Pied-Noir (FR)

PPS Partido Popular Socialista de Mexico

PRC Partito della Rifindazione Comunista (IT)

PRCF Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France

PRD Parti Radical-Démocratique (Suisse) / Radical-democratic party

PRG Parti Radical de Gauche (FR)

Priorité socialiste Réunion (FR, Outre-mer)

PS Parti Socialiste (FR)

PSC Parti Social-Chrétien (Belgique)

PSC Partido de los Socialistas de Catalunya (ES)

PSD Parti Socialiste Démocrate (FR)

PSE Parti Socialiste Européen

PSG Parti Socialiste Guyanais (FR)

PSOE Partido Socialista Obrero Español

PSRG Parti Socialiste et des Radicaux de Gauche (FR)

PSU Parti Socialiste Unifié (FR)

PSUC Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (ES)

PSV Parti Socialiste Vaudois (Suisse)

PT Parti des Travailleurs (FR)

PTB Parti du Travail de Belgique

Publiceye The website of Political Research Associates (PRA) (USA)

Rassemblement pour la Guadeloupe française et caraïbéenne (FR, Outre-mer)

RCD Rassemblement pour la Culture et la Démocratie (Algérie)

RCD-ML Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie - Mouvement de Libération

RCF Rassemblement des Contribuables Français (FR, Métropole)

RCV Radical, Citoyen et Vert (FR)

RD Rassemblement Démocratique (FR)

RDA Rassemblement Démocratique Africain

RDR Rassemblement Des Républicains (Côte d'Ivoire)

RDS Réformateurs Démocrates Sociaux (FR)

Red Betances Información sobre Puerto Rico y sus luchas

Red Globe Portal de informaciones de los partidos comunistas de todo el mundo.

Red Roja Comunistas en Internet (ES)

Refundación comunista Refundación comunista de Puerto Rico

Rég Régionalistes

Régions et peuples solidaires (FR, Métropole)

Remember A cibrary of the holocaust.

Renouveau écologique (FR, Métropole)

Réso Réformistes et Solidaires Le club Refondation

Réunion avenir une ambition pour la Réunion (FR, Outre-mer)

Revolusjon Révolution Groupe Marxiste-Léniniste Norvège

REZAF Réseau d'Alternatives Féministes

Rezo Le portail des copains

RGR Rassemblement des Gauches Républicaines

RI Républicains Indépendants (FR)

RIC Rassemblement pour l'Initiative Citoyenne

RL République et Liberté (FR)

RLAM Red Libertaria Apoyo Mutuo / Réseau Libertaire Appui Mutuel

RLF Réseau de Lutte Antifasciste

RNC Republican National Committee USA

Roy Royalistes

RPCR Rassemblement pour la Calédonie dans la République (FR)

RPF Rassemblement Pour la France (FR, Métropole, parti de droite)

RPCD Républicains Populaires et du Centre Démocratique (FR)

RPG Rassemblement du Peuple de Guinée

RPGR Rassemblement pour la Guyane dans la République (FR)

RPR Rassemblement Pour la République (FR, droite, créé le 05 décembre 1976, dissous le 21 septembre 2002 par la création de l'UMP)

RxL Colectivo Reincidiendo por la Libertad. Grupos de afindad con la idea libertaria. (Ecuador, Quito, Guyaquil, Riobamba, Ambeto)

SAC Service d'Action Civique (FR, terminated by Ch. De Gaulle)

SACP South Africa Communist Party

Sahara info Bulletin de l'association des amis de la RASD

Sahara Occidental

SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party (UK)

SEGA Solidarité Écologie Gauche Alternative (FR, Métropole)

SF Sinn Fein " Nous-Mêmes " Parti autonomiste irlandais fondé en 1903

SIL Solidarité Internationale Libertaire (- Idem ILS)

SMARA Asociación de solidaridad y ayuda al pueblo Sahraui

SNP Scottish National Party

Why Independence?

The primary aim of the SNP is to take Scotland forward to Independence.

Independence means the Scottish Parliament having full control over Scottish affairs, and the right to decide when to share power with others. Independence would give us the same rights and the same responsibilities as other nations. And it would bring greater independence for individuals, families and communities, within a society built on common interests.

We want Scotland to have what every other country takes for granted - the freedom to decide what kind of society we want to live in, and how we want to interact with the world around us. In other words, normality.

As individuals we accept our own independence as normal. We wouldn't put up with someone else making decisions for us about how to earn and spend our money, how to take responsibility for our lives or how to interact with others. Why should we put up with anything less for our country?

Most of us also want our communities to have more independence. We want to have a greater say in deciding how our public services should be funded and delivered, we want to participate in decisions which affect the environment we live in and we want to contribute more to the communities we live in. That too is normal - but it won't happen unless we start by taking control of our country and taking decisions for ourselves.

Devolution is not enough

The SNP campaigned for the Scottish Parliament because we believed it was a move in the right direction for our country. But devolution is not the same as Independence - and it is not nearly enough to make a real difference to Scotland.

Although the Scottish Parliament has brought a new level of democracy to our country its powers are strictly limited and therefore there is a limit to what it can achieve. With devolution Westminster keeps control of crucial areas like the economy (including our oil), taxation, benefits, pensions, immigration and asylum, broadcasting, defence and international affairs. It also retains the right to legislate in all areas - devolved as well as reserved - and can over-ride the will of the Scottish Parliament without consent.

Furthermore, the Scottish Executive's frequent use of Sewel motions has undermined the Scottish Parliament's ability to scrutinise legislation in a number of important areas, for example gambling, civil partnerships and nuclear waste.

All of this means that Scotland can still be shoe-horned into a political agenda designed to fit the south east of England, or bolted on to UK policy as an afterthought.

The Scottish Parliament has passed some important legislation, including bills on free personal care for the elderly, land reform, homelessness and proportional representation for local government elections. However on key issues such as economic growth or pensions it remains powerless and on matters as basic as whether or not to send Scottish troops to war it has no voice.

The Scottish Parliament is also the most financially powerless Parliament on earth. Even Scotland’s councils have greater tax varying powers than Scotland’s Parliament.

We already have our Parliament – now we need to complete its powers.

Scotland can flourish with Independence

Independence is not only normal; it is also desirable. Small independent nations like Norway, Denmark and Finland are much more successful than Scotland in terms of both economic prosperity and living standards. Independence gives those nations the powers to shape their country for the better. Scotland could have this too.

Scotland is a wealthy country. We have abundant natural resources like oil and renewable energy potential, an educated and skilled workforce and a globally recognised identity and reputation for quality and integrity.

So Scotland’s problem is not a lack of resources, but lack of control of these resources. Without that control we lack the ability to use our wealth for the benefit of all Scotland.

With Independence, Scotland can pursue successful economic policies like those of Ireland or Finland, to give our economy a competitive edge, the opportunity to grow and to generate wealth to invest in our public services and give Scotland’s pensioners a decent standard of living.

Why our economy needs Independence

Our economy is underperforming under devolution, because the Scottish Parliament lacks the powers we need to escape Scotland’s cycle of low economic growth and population decline.

Independence will give the Scottish Parliament the powers to harness our economic potential and transform Scotland into a high growth economy and a prosperous society.

With Independence, our Parliament will have at its disposal the powers to make Scotland a more competitive place to do business, such as the power to cut business taxes. As part of a wider economic strategy, such measures will also generate an increase in overall business tax revenue, which will in turn produce more wealth to invest in greater economic growth and the public services we value in Scotland.

Why Scotland’s pensioners need Independence

With Independence, Scotland can provide all pensioners with a decent amount to live on. Independence will give Scotland the powers over pensions that currently reside at Westminster. With Independence, the Scottish Parliament will have the power to introduce a Citizen’s Pension – a non-means tested state pension payable to all pensioners, as of right.

The SNP is committed to introducing a universal Citizen’s Pension of at least £110 a week for single pensioners and £168 for couples, which will rise in line with earnings to maintain the value of the pension over time.

With Independence, and the power to introduce a Citizen’s Pension, we can tackle pensioner poverty, end the discrimination against women in the state pension system and ensure that no pensioner in Scotland is treated like a second-class citizen.

Why Scotland needs a voice in the world Without Independence, Scotland can only look on while other nations gather to discuss and tackle global issues such as world poverty, third world debt, international security and climate change. Without Independence, Scotland has no role in shaping the decisions of the European Union - decisions that directly affect us. To become part of the decisionmaking process, Scotland needs to become a member state. To become a member state, Scotland has to become independent.

With Independence, Scotland will have a voice on the international stage; a voice we can use to promote peace and reconciliation, and fairness.

With Independence, Scotland will have a role in international decision-making; shaping the decisions that affect us, and the wider world.

With Independence, Scotland will be able to play a part in tackling global problems like poverty and climate change.

How will Scotland get Independence?

Scotland will only gain Independence when the people of Scotland vote for it in a democratic referendum. An SNP Government in the Scottish Parliament will hold a referendum on Independence. If a majority of those who vote in the referendum vote for Independence, representatives of the Scottish Government will then begin negotiations with Westminster to agree an Independence settlement. While negotiations are under way, a written constitution for an independent Scotland will be drafted, which will guarantee rights for Scotland’s citizens and set out how Scotland will be governed.

Scottish National Party, 107 McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NW.

SOC Socialiste (FR)

Socialist Appeal Official organ of the Workers International League ( WIL ) Marxistes britanniques

Solidarité et progrès Site d'extrème droite d'obédience Lyndon Larouche en français

SPD Parti Social-Démocrate (DE)

SPM alliance (FR, Outre-mer)

SPS Sahara Press Service

SR Social Revolutionary party (Founded in 1900, Russia, Kharkov) / Parti Social Révolutionnaire

STO Service du Travail Obligatoire (FR, WWII)

SWC Simon Wiesenthal Center

Tahoreea Huiraatira (FR, Outre-mer)

TDKP Türkiye Devrimci Komünist Partisi / The revolutionary communist party of Turkey

Te hono e tau i te honoaui (FR, Outre-mer)

Temps Réels Section Internet de la fédération de Paris du Parti Socialiste (FR)

The Democratic party USA

The Nizkor project Site dedicated to the million of holocaust victims.

The people's parliament The online debating forum (UK)

Toufan The party of labour of Iran

TR Tendencia Revolucionaria (El Salvador)

Tunisie, réveille toi Site en français

UC Union Centriste (FR)

UCK Armée de Libération du Kosovo

UD Union Départementale

UD5e Union Démocratique pour la Ve République (FR)

UDB Union Démocratique Bretonne (FR)

UDC Union du Centre (FR)

UDF Union pour la Démocratie Française (FR, Métropole, parti de droite)

UDFC Union pour la Démocratie Française et du Centre (FR)

UDI Union Démocratique Internationale

UDR Union des Démocrates pour la République (FR)

UDR Union pour la Défense de la République (FR)

UDT Union Démocratique du Travail (FR)

UEJF Union des Étudiants Juifs de France

UFD Union des Forces Démocratiques

UFP Union des Forces Progressistes (CA, Québec)

UJFP Union Juive Française pour la Paix

UKUP United Kingdom Unionist Party (UK)

UL Union Locale

ULD Parti libéral démocrate flamand

UMP Union pour la Majorité Présidentielle (FR, droite, créée le 23 avril 2002)

UMP Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (FR, Métropole)

Un.d Union de la Droite (FR)

UNE Union Nationale Écologiste (FR)

Union centriste et libérale (FR, Outre-mer)

Union libération Guadeloupe (FR, Outre-mer)

Unión libertaria Unión de acción e pensamento anarquista

UNITA Union for the Total Independence of Angola

UNP Union pour la Nouvelle République

UNR Union pour la Nouvelle République (FR)

UNR-UDT Union pour la Nouvelle République-Union Démocratique du Travail (FR)

UPC Union du Peuple Corse (FR)

UPF Union Pacifiste de France

UPK Union des Partisans du Kurdistan

UPLG Union Pour la Libération de la Guadeloupe (FR)

UR Union Royaliste (FR)

UR Unité de la République (députés d'Algérie) (FR)

UR Unité Radicale (FR, extrême droite, dissous le 6 août 2002 en Conseil des Ministres, site web interdit le 8 août 2002 suite à la demande de l'UEJF et de l'association J'accuse)

USHMM United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

UUP Ulster Unionist Party / Parti Unioniste d'Ulster (Irlande, unionistes protestants)

VAIW Veterans Against Iraq War

VF plus Vryheidsfront plus / Freedom front plus (South Africa)

VJR Vlaamse Jongeren Mechelen

Voz Rebelde La voz del pueblo - Organo oficial del MRTA (Perú)

VRE Verts Résolument Écologistes (FR, une tendance)

Wal Walwari (FR, Guyane)

WEGA Wiener Einsatzgruppe Alarmabteilung (groupe fasciste anti-terroriste viennois, Autriche)

WIL Workers International League

World Coalition World coalition against death penalty / Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort

WPB Workers Party of Belgium

WPRM World People's Resistance Movement (Mouvement pacifiste)

WSO Western Sahara online The country, the people and their history

WSWS World Socialist Web Site

ZABALAZA A website dedicated to Southern African anarchism

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